HILO Spinning Machine 3.0+

The open-source HILO Spinning Machine allows you to produce your own customized yarn. The open-source HILO Software helps you to design the yarn properties.

You can use the HILO Spinning Machine to spin small quantities of fibres, such as local wool, regional materials or even recycled fibres. Existing yarns can be twisted into new designs and integrate new functions, such as elasticity through overtwist. Moreover, you can develop yarn samples and rapidly test different qualities for new designs and business opportunities.

In 2024 we collected the feedback and contributions from our community to upgrade the existing HILO Spinning Machine 3.0 to make it even easier to work with. The integrated new features help users to stabilise the spinning process and simplify the usage through the local controller.

We will offer the new HILO Spinning Machine 3.0+ Kit together with an assembly workshop in July and the open-source documentation will be published in autumn 2024.

> Already have a HILO Spinning Machine? Upgrade it with our Screen Kit.

  • The new screen controller allows the user to define the spinning settings directly on the machine. Based on Nicolas Evans' HILO App, the software is easy to use and provides all the necessary options to create endless yarn designs.

  • Finally, we activated the “elevator” function. Now, the spindle platform will automatically move up and down to evenly distribute the yarn on the cone. The spinning process is now fully automated!

  • From yarn guides to closing systems and add-ons for plying yarns, over the last five years we have developed various tools to expand the possibilities of spinning with HILO.

Previous versions

Since 2015, we have iterated the HILO Spinning Machine from version 1.0 (in wood, 2015) to version 2.0 (in silver metal, 2018) to the new HILO 3.0 (in black, 2020). The HILO 3.0 Spinning Machine runs under the official standardization for open-source hardware DIN SPEC 3105 by DIN (Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V.).

  • Developed by our founder Sara Diaz Rodriguez

  • Developed by Studio HILO and ITA Aachen

  • The HILO 3.0 Spinning Machine complies with the DIN SPEC 3105, by DIN (Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V.).